Empowering Students' Success
Providing private tutoring, NILD Educational Therapy, ADHD/Executive Function Coaching, Educational Consultation, and specialized learning support for all students.
Services Offered:
Private Tutoring, NILD Educational Therapy, ADHD/Executive Function Training, Group-Based Learning and Educational Consultations with a specialized focus on Learning Differences.
Every student has different needs, so each program I create is tailored to your individual student.
UnstoppABLE Seeds is affordable and willing to work with parents.
It sounds like a medical intervention with that word "therapy" in the title, but it's not
It looks a lot like tutoring, but it's not.
Tutoring aims to give support in a specific content area, like math or social studies
Education therapy can look like a lot of hard work and it can look like fun games. It can look like conversations and a listening ear.
Educational therapy aims to improve thinking and learning skills so that students can apply those skills to any content area
Educational therapy looks like encouragement and confidence.
The National Institute for Learning Development (NILD) is a research based therapy program accredited with the International Dyslexia Association (IDA) dyslexiaida.org. More can be found at NILD.org or on our Home page under "NILD Educational Therapy"
Educational consultation services are available to help schools, teachers, students, and families navigate educational challenges.
One-on-one expert consultation can help parents navigate options for students with learning differences.
Group sessions are also available for schools and churches who want to help make their classrooms more accommodating for those with learning struggles. A mock class is given to help develop empathy for those with struggles.
Private Tutoring
I love to help students that struggle with reading to not only learn to read, spell, and write, but to enjoy it. Often students who struggle have learning gaps and it is essential to go back to the beginning. I use the Orton and Gillingham method to build and repair any gaps. I will also tutor elementary math, but I reserve those spots for student who struggle in math due to a specific learning disability such as dyslexia, dyscalculia or a weak number sense. One-on- one tutoring allows the student to go at their own pace.
Tutoring is usually 1-2 times a week, but I work with all students regardless of where they are receiving instruction whether it be public school, homeschool, or private school.
We go as fast as we can, but as slow as we must.
Using a combination of Gather Around and Campfire curriculum, this is designed for homeschoolers who would like more group-based learning. It it similar to a unit study and combines several subjects. Project Based Learning (PBL) will vary semester to semester; a different subject will be taught each semester. Subjects include entrepreneurship, great inventors, and mystery of history to name a few!
This may be used to fill educational requirements for a multitude of subjects- for example, in the Invention PBL class we will be covering, history, science, art, and some business skills. Classes will vary from 2nd grade through high school and will meet once a week, homework will be assigned.
Consultation Services
Project Based Learning
(Group Instruction)
ADHD/Executive Function Coaching
About my Services:
NILD Educational Therapy
People with low executive functions often struggle with starting, organizing, planning, or completing tasks. Listening or paying attention is often a struggle and they have difficulty solving problems, learning from past consequences, and/or processing new information. This weakness can often lead to inappropriate social behavior and can also lead to difficulty forming or maintaining relationships, managing their mood, decreased self-esteem, avoidance of difficult tasks, and manifest as low motivation. These are all skills needed to help your student succeed in school and life.
ADHD/Executive Function coaching will help students develop effective strategies to reach their goals. Coaching provides techniques that help with the root level issue of ADHD/Executive Function. It will help build confidence, increase self-esteem, and excel at learning.
What to expect: We will try various tools to find the best one for the individual student, we will be working with parents and teachers to develop a suitable plan and will practice focus/brain techniques to strengthen executive functions.
Key Executive Functions that this coaching can help include:
Impulse control
Emotional control
Flexible thinking
Working memory
Planning/ Prioritizing
Task initiation
Be encouraged! People with ADHD also tend to have some pretty cool "super-powers" that will serve them well later in life, such as high energy levels, the ability to hyperfocus, and be incredibly creative. Our goal is to harness these super-powers so that they become "tools in their belt "and not hindrances to learning other necessary skills. Together we will build up resilience, and work to control impulsivity which will allows your student to be open to new experiences and be courageous.